mardi 8 octobre 2019

                                                   Thomas Cook to refund 60,000 claims

           60,000 customers who had booked holidays with Thomas Cook company submitted a refund after getting multiples claims.
       The company said that the website had no problems but the customers complained that they couldn’t submit the claim and they kept receiving error messages
        The CAA blamed "unprecedented demand" and urged users to try later. In total, the aviation regulator has to refund some 360,000 customers.
         The claimants had to wait 60 days to get their money back, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said in a tweet     "We would like to thank Thomas Cook customers for their patience during the peak claims period earlier today."

       Several people told the BBC that they tried to complain but their requests were left without follow-up or that they didn’t had any responses like Sue Nicolson who said she had tried to submit her claim a dozen times.  "The 60-day timescale for refunds only starts once they have received the claim, so how much longer are we going to have to wait for the thousands of pounds we are owed for a holiday we were supposed to depart for this Friday?" she said.
      The CAA said people who had paid by direct debit would get their money back by October 14.
    Anyone who bought a package holiday with Thomas Cook will be covered by the Air Travel Organiser's Licence scheme (Atol). Customers would have received an Atol certificate when they booked. This means the cost of any holiday booked with the collapsed firm will be refunded.
The CAA put in place a web site for refunding costumers
    The few remaining passengers who did not return on a CAA-organised flight will have to make their own plans, even though they are covered by ATOL 
     CAA chair Dame Deirdre Hutton said she was "deeply relieved" that "Operation Matterhorn", the two-week operation to return 150,000 passengers to the UK after the package tour company that bankrupted last month, was over.
   Staff members work 24 hours a day to help and have been left unpaid since September and have to apply for their salary.
         About 9,000 staff in the UK were left jobless when the business failed to secure a last-ditch rescue deal.            
  The travel firm collapsed in the early hours of 23 September, after failing to obtain rescue funds from its banks. 
            An inquiry has been launched by the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee, with MPs focusing on the directors' stewardship of the company

                                        THOMAS COOK va rembourser 60.000 clients

                        La compagnie Thomas Cook a dû rembourser 60.000 personnes suite à de nombreuses réclamations faites sur le site internet de la compagnie qui affichait des messages d’erreur lors d’une réclamation. Après 60 jour avec l’aide de ATOL (Air Travel Organiser's Licence) le CAA (Civil Aviation Authoritya créé un site pour rembourser les clients mais beaucoup d’entre eux avancent que le site ne marche pas et qu’ils ne parviennent pas à aller au bout des démarches.
                          Les employés travaillent 24h sur 24 pour aider les clients mais ils ne sont plus payés depuis septembre. A peu près 9.000 salariés ont perdu leur emploi par la suite de la faillite de la compagnie le 23 septembre suite à des dettes trop importantes.


mercredi 2 octobre 2019

Rivals " throwing mud " to stop Brexit

Rivals attempting to throw mud to stop Brexit Process, Davies claims

The leader of the Welsh Conservative Party group in the national assembly for Wales, Paul Davies, said that it was clear that people in Wales wanted Brexit completed.

  During the Tory conference in Manchester, he supported the prime minister Boris Johnson when he called to get Brexit done.
Before the conference he said “We must get Brexit done so that we can focus on the issues that actually matter to people.”

  The United Kingdom is supposed to leave the European Union on 31 October 2019.
 Paul Davies said “As a party, we have made it absolutely clear that we want to respect the outcome of the referendum result and that's why the prime minister has made it clear that we will be leaving the European Union on October 31.”

   "The political parties are trying to throw mud at us at every opportunity to frustrate the process of Brexit, but the people of Wales have made the decision to leave the European Union and we must now get on and do that." 

  Mr. Johnson said that he would prefer an arrangement however would be set up to leave without one.

  Nevertheless, a law was voted earlier in September aimed at blocking a no-deal exit.
 It implies Mr. Johnson and his minority government will have until October 19 to either pass an arrangement in Parliament or get MPs to endorse a no-accord Brexit.

Torys : supporters of a conservative British political philosophy.

Dimanche 29 Septembre

Pour Davies, l’opposition a lancé une campagne de calomnies pour arrêter le Brexit

Le leader du Parti conservateur gallois à l’Assemblée nationale du Pays de Galles, Paul Davies, a dit qu'il était clair que les habitants du Pays de Galles voulaient que le Brexit s’accomplisse.

Durant la conférence des Tories à Manchester, il a soutenu le premier ministre et a appelé à conclure le Brexit.
 Avant la conférence il a déclaré « Nous devons conclure le Brexit pour que nous puissions nous concentrer sur les problèmes qui importent vraiment au gens ».
 Le Royaume Uni est supposé quitter l’Union Européenne le 31 octobre 2019.

  Paul Davies a également déclaré « En tant que parti nous avons été clair sur le fait que nous voulions respecter les résultats du référendum et c'est pour cela que le premier ministre a été clair en affirmant que nous allons quitter l’Union Européenne le 31 octobre.
« Les partis politiques essayent de nous calomnier constamment afin de stopper le processus du Brexit, mais les habitants du pays de Galles ont pris la décision de quitter l’Union Européenne et nous devons mener le processus à son terme. »
 Mr. Johnson a dit qu'il préférerait un arrangement pourtant il serait prêt à partir de l'UE sans.
 Néanmoins, une loi a été votée plus tôt en septembre visant à bloquer une sortie sans accord.

  Cela signifie que Mr. Johnson et son gouvernement minoritaire auront jusqu'au 19 octobre pour soit obtenir l’accord du parlement ou les députés seront obligés d’approuver un Brexit sans accord.

Tories : partisans d'une philosophie politique conservatrice britannique.

