jeudi 19 octobre 2017

Running scared

October 7 - a woman who was indecently assaulted while running says she has been overwhelmed by people saying they have had similar experiences.

The 48-year-old victim was grabbed by a man as she was jogging in Sherwood Rise, Nottingham.

The Nottinghamshire Police are treating the incident.

The suspect is Asian, about 30, 6ft (1.8m) tall, he was carrying a large backpack containing tennis racquets.

The woman was running along Claremont Road, Sherwood, at about 18:30 on Tuesday when the man grabbed her.

She said: ‘‘I started to make quite a lot of noise and really yelled at him and then carried on running.’’

‘‘One of the most shocking things was how unfazed he was.’’

After posted what had happened on Facebook and received many messages of support from women of all ages. She said, it’s really important women speak out when this happens.


Victimes solidaires

Le 7 octobre dernier aux alentours de 18h30, une femme de 48 ans, qui faisait son jogging, a été agressée.

Suite à l’enquête menée par la police de Nottingham, un suspect de 30 ans d’origine indo-pakistanaise, mesurant 1m80, est toujours en examen. Lors de son interpellation, le suspect portait un grand sac a dos contenant des raquettes de tennis.

Elle a posté le récit des événements sur son compte Facebook et dit avoir reçu de nombreux message d’encouragement et de soutien: « J’ai crié et appelé à l’aide tout en me débattant et je suis parvenue à m’enfuir.» «La chose la plus choquante était qu’il semblait imperturbable.»

Elle encourage toutes les femmes dans sa situation à ne pas garder cela pour elles et à ne pas hésiter à se confier.


