Two brothers, Victor Mears, 67, and Henry Mears, 60, from Brighton had been jailed for 13 months because of the unsafe conditions of the Lapland theme park they had built in 2008.
Apparently the Trading Standards legislation were dangerous. Although the tickets cost £30 there were bad sanitary conditions, with muddy roads and a broken ice rink.
But their condemnation has been canceled because it appeared that one member of the jury sent messages to his fiancé during the trial.
The council cabinet for community services said another trial was not necessary as "it would not be in the public interest"
But their condemnation has been canceled because it appeared that one member of the jury sent messages to his fiancé during the trial.
The council cabinet for community services said another trial was not necessary as "it would not be in the public interest"
Sauvés par l’amour
Deux frères, Victor Mears, 67ans, et Henry Mears, 60 ans de Brighton ont été condamnés à 13 mois de prison pour non respect des conditions de sécurité imposées pour leur parc d'attractions construit en 2008. Apparemment, certaines attractions présentaient des dangers pour la clientèle.
Alors que le prix du billet d’entrée coûtait £30, les conditions sanitaires étaient mauvaises, les allées étaient boueuses et la glace de la patinoire était brisée.
Cependant, leur condamnation fût annulée puisqu'on a appris qu'un des jurés avait échangé des messages avec sa fiancée durant le procès.
Le conseil du cabinet pour les services communautaires a déclaré qu'un autre procès "ne serait pas dans l'intérêt du public".